This morning I am working on a lit review for a paper, and I came across a strong introductory sentence and thought, let me share all of the strong ones I come across this morning (do you see where I'm headed yet?). I had 24 papers to read through, and found 2 where I thought the first sentence was particularly noteworthy. Many of the others were interchangeable. And I wish I could share some of them here as examples of what not to do. But I'm too nice. So here are the two I liked:
In an era when sex is used to sell everything from toothpaste to transmissions, the idea that large minorities of adults might have little or no sexual contact with others seems incongruous to many people. (Donnelly et al., 2001)
Over the past decade, a quiet revolution has been occurring in personality psychology, and an age-old scientific problem has recently begun to look tractable. (Goldberg, 1992)